Frictional Pressure Drop in Pipes Calculator
This tool allows for interactive calculation of frictional pressure drop in pipes for single phase incompressible newtonian fluids. Calculates the Reynolds number and pressure drop based on the Darcy-Wisebach equation with the Haaland friction factor correlation. Results are displayed dynamically and can be exported as pdf.

Chemical Plant Capital Cost Estimator
This program allows easy calculation of the total fixed capital cost of a chemical plant using the detailed factorial method outlined by Towler & Sinnott. Select from a list of over 50 equipment options, or specify custom equipment in a range of materials. Adjustment for inflation (CEPCI) and currency conversion is provided. Final ISBL and Total Fixed Capital Cost of the plant is calculated. Export a full report of the results directly within the browser.

Heat Exchanger Design Calculator
Calculates critical parameters required for design of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger from typical thermodynamic and design inputs in SI units. Key results determined are: Required heat exchange area (A), required cold stream flowrate, number of tubes, as well as useful supporting data such as Reynold’s number and tube-side pressure drop. Features dynamic visualisation as well as comprehensive error detection. Can be used to quickly mock-up a heat exchanger design.

Fixed Bed Pressure Drop Calculator
A responsive application which determines the pressure drop (SI) across a packed bed using the Ergun equation. Additionally Reynold’s number is determined to indicate the flow regime.